Order admin

  • How do I return a product?

    Our returns policy can be found here.
  • Discount code policy

    Discount codes don't stack. Our discount codes do not stack. This means that you can only use one discount code per transaction. While you may have multiple discount codes, you'll need to choose the one that provides the best savings for your order. Limited validity period Some discount codes tha...
  • Can I change or cancel my order?

    Unfortunately once orders have been placed it is difficult to change them. Our warehouse ships same day for orders made before 10am, so it is likely that we will have shipped the item before receiving your email. However, we still suggest emailing us through our contact page with specific detail...
  • How can I manage my subscription?

    If you need to make any changes to your subscriptions, you can do so using the process below: Go to www.gathera.com If you are using a desktop, locate and click on the "My Account" button or the person icon at the top right-hand side of the screen. Enter the email address you used to place your ...
  • How will I be refunded?

    If you lodge a refund request, the refund will be sent back to the original payment method. If you’ve switched accounts, let us know and we’ll update our records.
  • I've been charged twice!

    We know that often after making a purchase online, you may look at your bank account and see two transactions, making it seem like you've been double charged! In 95% of the cases we see for this, the issue is automatically resolved by your payment provider within a few days. Generally what happe...
  • What payment methods do you accept?

    Below is a list of the payment methods we currently accept. Visa - credit & debit card. Mastercard - credit & debit card. Amex. Paypal. Google Pay. Apple Pay. Shop Pay. Union Pay. Our payments are managed by these vendors, which means we don't get any of your credit card data (other than...